Saturday 12 May 2012

Chili Express Pt 3

A few of you have asked where the title Chili Express comes from.  Well a good friend, Mr. Mark Jacobs and his wife, lived in Hawaii for a while.  When he would send updates, they were called the Coconut Telegraph.  I took it and changed it to fit where we are.  There are chili's in everything out here, and the express is a play on the pony express.  There you have it.

I am sure most of you know it is a boy. Jackson Marshall Hamby.  Jackson is a family name on my side.  Marshall is my middle name and was my granddaddy's name.  He was a great man. 

Amber is good... mostly.  She has been very very busy getting everything wrapped up at home.  What I though was going to be a cake walk for her is anything but.  I could have never have fathomed all the hundreds of little things that need to be taken care of.  Most if not all has fallen on her as there is almost nothing I can do from 10,000 miles away.  Although I help where I can.  She has been awesome about it.  Thanks babe.

As far as the pregnancy, she has been good.  No sickness, no cravings yet (I am looking forward to these), she is just tired.  She has a pain on her side when she wakes up in the morning probably due to Jackson being restless like his daddy and jumping on her ribs, that's my professional opinion anyway.  Can't wait to have her and the dogs out here with me.  Not long now.

Movers come tomorrow.  It should take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks to get our stuff out here.  The dogs leave a day or so before Amber.  I am almost positive that it is easier would be easier to import anything into this country than as compared to what we have had to do to get the dogs over here.  I'd be willing to bet it is cheaper too.  A good portion of my day revolves around the logistics of getting goods in the boarder here in Singapore.  I know that I can get a 5,000 lbs of goods air freighted in exponentially faster than I can a dog.  Little bastards.

Work is fine out here.  I still work a lot because Amber is not here to regulate me.  And... when I have nothing else to do, I work.  It keeps me out of trouble and its cheap.  I also need to log in a ton of hours so that I get a handle on this new position. 

I leave for Thailand on Sunday for business.  I get back on Friday afternoon, only to turn around, repack and get ready for another flight at 2:00am on Saturday.  That one is totally worth it though.  I am coming home to meet up with Amber to go to St Thomas for the week.  I can't wait.  Its going to be awesome.  Looking forward to the rest.  I think there have only been about four days total that I haven't worked since I have been out here. 

That's all I can think of for the time being.  Hope all is well stateside.  Miss you guys.

On Funny pt 1

There are minor translation glitches out here that can cause some double takes.  English is the most spoken language out here, but for many it is not their first language, so a few misses sneak through.  Most of the time they are on tee shirts worn by locals, (I haven't started taking pictures of those yet).  Then some are signs.
And why would you.  Evidently Singaporean parrots are carnivorous.  Come to think of it... I think they all are. This picture is of a little area around a bunch of restaurants.  There are somewhere around 12 to 15 LARGE parrots of all types.  I laughed.  I was the only one doing so

Some signs are just funny, and most likely meant to be funny. 
I doubt that this company was started as the Jewish version of the Underground Railroad in the 30's and early 40's.  Just a hunch.  I am guessing this a company started by an Expat with a sense of humour.  I have seen this sign in more than one elevator.  Makes me laugh every time.

And then there are things that you stumble on.  Out here almost everything is in a mall.  Most malls are themed... Seriously.  There are tech centered ones, sports malls, malls for Expats, malls just for kids etc...  Stumbled on this little gem in the middle of one of the malls.  I wish I would have gotten more video.  It was awesome.

I'd be willing to bet there will be more posts like this.  If you don't laugh out here, you will get frustrated very quickly.  Unfortunately, most of the laughing that you do out here is at the expense of someone else.  I'm ok with it.