Saturday 24 March 2012


As I am sure most of know Amber's pregnant.  For those of you who don't know... Amber is pregnant... Surprise.  I couldn't remember if her dad new if her dad knew, otherwise I would have put this on the other post.  She is doing great, but she is very tired.  She said hunger is an interesting thing for her now.  She has the initial twinge of hunger, then immediately goes right to starving.  Once the little alien growing in her starts to look more like a baby and less like a tadpole we will post the occasional ultrasound.  I am ready to have her over her.  Its been hard to be with out her for so long.  I really miss her.

More later...


  1. LOVE the fact that you're blogging! =) I couldn't be happier for you and Amber! You two are going to make fantastic parents! I know how badly you miss her and want her there. I'm selfishly sad that it may be awhile before I get to meet your little alien BUT I am hoping more of us jump on the bandwagon and our aliens can all grow up together!

    Your house looks amazing! I want to move to Singapore - especially envious that ya'll will have a live in helper who cooks, cleans and will take care of your new alien! You mentioned you were hiring..... =) I can think outside the box! =)

    Once again, I couldn't be happier for you two. I just hope you don't love it TOO much to where ya'll don't come back! =)

  2. Did the title of this blog have anything to do with getting pregnant?
